How to start AR Face Tracking in less than 10 minutes!

How to start AR Face Tracking in less than 10 minutes!

Hey all, today i'll be showing you a simple AR face tracking app that you can download and play around with to further your understanding of face tracking with ARKit.

If you want to watch the tutorial instead, click this link Youtube Tutorial

Else, for this tutorial, I am assuming you are familiar with XCode and Swift but are new to AR. I recommend you download the source code to follow these instructions.

Let's begin!

Step 1 : New project > Augmented Reality Application

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Step 2 : Navigate to ViewController.swift

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Step 3 : Import SceneKit, Import ARKit

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Step 4: Add ARSCNViewDelegate Protocol to class

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Step 5 : Create a scene variable using ARSCNView

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Step 6 : Create a UILabel

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Step 7 : Create an empty string variable

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Step 8 : Create viewDidLoad() and set the sceneView delegate

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Step 9 : Create viewWillAppear()

Step 10 : Create a session configuration using ARFaceTrackingConfiguration()

Step 11 : Run the configuration

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Step 12 : Create a viewWillDisappear function

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Step 13: Create a renderer method to provide a new SCNNode object

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Step 14 : Create a ARSCNFaceGeometry object

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Step 15 : Create a SCNNode and feed it the object

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Step 16 : Make the SCNNode geometry fill with lines

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Step 17: Create a renderer method to tell the delegate that a SceneKit node's properties have been updated

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Step 18 : Add an if statement to detect everytime the face mesh has a change

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Step 19 : Run a method we will add after this function that takes an ARFaceAnchor as a prameter

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Step 20 : Update the bottomLabel on the main thread

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Step 21: Create a readMyFace function that takes an ARFaceAnchor as a parameter

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Step 22 : Define different anchors utilizing classes in the imported kits

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Step 23 : Set the bottomText to "You are still faced" as soon as the function is implemented

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Step 24 : Create different if statements that check for changes in the anchor values and updates the bottomText value accordingly

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And you are done!

Run the app and you should see your face covered in a geometrical mesh, with a bottom label reading your facial expressions.

Thank you for following this tutorial and I wish you a nice day!

Repository :

Youtube video :

Thank you